
MAY 2024

Another nice review of Hiatus Blues in Gitarre & Bass

Hiatus Blues G&B 5:24

APRIL 2024

Some nice reviews…

…in JazzPodium

Hiatus Blues JazzPodium 04:24

…in Grand Guitars

Hiatus Blues Grand Guitars 04:24

…in JazzThing
Hiatus Blues JazzThing 04:24

MARCH 2024

Nice Review of our concert in Neuburg a.d. Donau, Neuburger Rundschau


New Release Entangled Trio feat. Robert Landfermann & Jonas Burgwinkel – HIATUS BLUES
24 March 2024 Berthold Records
Nice Video on YouTube from our Summer Gig in Tonhalle Hannover.

Tonhalle YouTube

FALL 2023
Upcoming Concerts:
13 October Solo Jazz-Mission Schwäbisch Gmünd
14 October Solo Zoglau3, Taubenbach
18 & 19 November Workshop + Solo Concert Musikschule Lämmle – infos here
2 December Solo Kassel

MAY 2023
Upcoming Solo Concerts:
18 May Jazzy Huiskamers Den Bosch/NL
20 May POM Eindhoven/NL
4 June Hildener Jazztage, 19.30, Wilhelm Fabry Museum, Benratherstraße 32, 40721 Hilden

Portrait Frank Wingold, Koeln, Deutschland, Europa, 2020.

Copyright Bernd Arnold


Extremely delighted and inspired by this lovely bunch of Jazz Guitar Lovers that I was giving a workshop about comping, chord melody playing, harmonization, polyphony etc. in Musikschule Lämmle.
Watch out for upcoming Workshop date: 11 & 12 November 2023


JUNE 2022
I will be part of the unique Jazz te Gast Festival in Zuidhorn/Netherlands, check it out here.

MAY 2022
New trailer of my latest Solo CD.

MARCH 2022

Entangled Music Trio feat. Robert Landfermann & Jonas Burgwinkel is recording it’s new CD in March 2022. Stay tuned about the new release!

Entangled Music Trio
19 march – Loft Köln
25 march – Consol Theater Gelsenkirchen
26 march – Club Bastion Kirchheim/Teck


Entangled Music Trio – 28 jan – Gewölbekeller Jazzinstitut Darmstadt


A very nice and well-written review of our Entangled Trio concert in Frankfurt in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
Thanks to Norbert Krampf.

FAZ Krampf 22.09.2021

11 sept I will present my solo program from my recent CD ‚to be frank‘ for my label BERTHOLD RECORDS in Bremen

Looking very much forward. Come by if you are near!

Frank Wingold Solo
11 sept 2021, 20.00
Villa Sponte zeitkultur e.V.
Osterdeich 59 B
28203 Bremen…/konzert-frank-wingold/

MAY 2021

A feature about me, my guitars and my new Solo CD in „Gitarre & Bass“

Also Record of the Month in JazzPodium May 2021

APRIL 2021

My Solo-CD ‚TO BE FRANK“ is Record of the Month in German Gitarre & Bass Magazine.


Here’s a Video Teaser for my new Solo CD ‚to be frank‘


My Solo-CD ‚TO BE FRANK“ is finally released at BERTHOLD RECORDS.

8 Standards, 1 own composition and 6 free improvisations on 7 string guitars, no overdubs, pure playing! I’m very proud to present the results of several years of polyphonic, multi-layered solo guitar research.

Das ist, bitte, eine Herausforderung, die handwerklicher und musikalisch-kompositorischer Expertise ohnegleichen bedarf, ohne Gags und Gimmicks, ohne Netz und doppelte Böden. Wingold suchte diese Herausforderung, nahm sie an – ein Soloprogramm aus 15 eigenen Stücken, Standards und Improvisationen – und bestand sie summa cum laude: ein Meisterwerk, moderne Solo-Jazzgitarre von olympischen Format.

This is a challenge that requires unparalleled technical and musical-compositional expertise, without gags and gimmicks, without any safety net or second bottom. Wingold was looking for this challenge, accepted it – a solo program of 15 own pieces, standards and improvisations – and passed it summa cum laude: a masterpiece, modern solo jazz guitar of Olympic format
Alexander Schmitz, Journalist and Author of  „Das Gitarrenbuch“, „Jazzgitarristen“, „Die Gitarre

Available from me or Berthold Records.

APRIL 2020

Not much to do due to lockdown, but at least a new Solo-Guitar Song on YouTube:


Nice articles about our concert in Worms.


Three concerts with ENTANGLED MUSIC ahead:

06.02.2020 Worms BlueNite
07.02.2020 Saarwellingen Jazzwerkstatt
08.02.2020 Baarle-Nassau/NL Plusétage


A feature about me and a truly enthusiastic and flattering review of my trio album ENTANGLED MUSIC in German jazz magazine JazzPodium! Very nice when someone digs so deeply into your music that he really understands and appreciates what you do, thanks to Alexander Schmitz.

click to read (German)



JULY 2019

With MusikFabrik feat. Napoleon Murphy Brock at Zappanale Bad Doberan, check out my solo on RDNZL.

APRIL 2019

Three concerts with  Entangled Music ahead:
21 April Kassel TIF, 20.15
22 April Gelsenkirchen werkstatt e.V. 19.30
23 April Bielefeld Bunker Ulmenwall 20.00

JULY 2018

New video – live version of my new trio with Robert Landfermann and Jonas Burgwinkel from the new CD Entangled Music.

MAY 2018

upcoming CONCERTS with the new  Trio program ENTANGLED MUSIC
_ Frank Wingold -guitar _ Robert Landfermann – bass _ Jonas Burgwinkel – drums _

9. Mai – Jazzschmiede Düsseldorf
10. Mai – Ini-Art Saarbrücken
11. Mai – Jazzmission Schwäbisch Gmünd

MAY 2018

Thursday 3rd of May 9.00 p.m. at Deutschlandfunk my new CD ENTANGLED MUSIC will be presented in Jazzfacts Magazin by Odilo Clausnitzer.

MAY 2018

featuring Robert Landfermann – Bass und Jonas Burgwinkel – drums
Already available from me!

I’m very proud of my new release, a new push towards entangled, multilayerd, chamber music trio performances.

Here’s a littel Video-Teaser:


APRIL 2018

Dick Onstenk from the DUTCHBOPPER Blog released a long interview about my Dutch-German past and present.


Konzert and Recordings with „Benjamin Schäfer Hive Mind“ Big Band
28.03. Concert Loft Köln
03.-07.04 Recording Session Deutschlandfunk, Cologne



On Tour with Niels Klein „LOOM“:
04.10. Bielefeld, Bunker Ulmenwall
05.10 Dortmund, Domizil
06.10 Köln, Altes Pfandhaus
07.10 Berlin, Serious Series, Uferstudios
11.10. Frankfurt, Dr.Hochs Konservatorium
13.10. Düsseldorf, Jazzschmiede

APRIL 2017

New UNDERKARL-CD celebrating the 25th anniversary of the band! Timetunnel 25
More info and CD available here:

JUNE 2016

Sunday 5 june, 8 p.m. I will play a solo set at the Cologne Guitar Night at Altes Pfandhaus, Cologne. At the end there will be 1-2 duo tunes with singer Martina Gassmann.

MAY 2016

In August I will be again teacher at the summer workshop JAZZINTY in Novo Mesto, Slovenia. One week of intensive lessons, Ensembles, jamming and hanging.

Deborah Brown & J.D. Walter – vocals
Marko Churnchetz – piano
Piotr Wojtasik – trumpet
Jure Pukl – saxophone
Frank Wingold – guitar
Paul Berner – bass
Vladimir Kostadinovic – drums
Simone Zanchini – accordion
Dre Hocevar – improvisation concepts
Joris Teepe – art director

infos and registration:


At 19 september I will play in Duo with Martina Gassmann at Kleiner Sendesaal of WDR in Cologne at the Kölner Musiknacht. From 7.00 to 7.45 p.m. we will present our new songs. You can listen to us in a live broadcast at WDR 3.


Two interesting concerts in the end of january:

28.01.2015 Frank Wingold/Matthias Nowak/Etienne Nillesen – Jazzfest der Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt (

29.01.2015 Sarah Buechi/Niels Klein/Frank Wingold/Matthias Nowak/Etienne Nillesen – WDR3 Jazzfest Domicil Dortmund (

APRIL 2014

On Soundcloud you can get an impression of the two pieces which I have written in 2012 and 2013 for the EOS Chamber Orchestra and guitar. They were both recorded and produced at Deutschlandfunk.

Time Machine Repair Shop (komplett)

Witterungen, 3. Satz

Witterungen, 5. Satz


New concerts with AGOG:
26 sept. 2013 – Badkuyp Amsterdam
28 sept. 2013 – Jazzschmiede Düsseldorf

UNDERKARL on tour in PAKISTAN (Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad) 15-22 sept. 2013

MAY 2013

JAZZINITY – International Workshop in Novo Mesto/Slowenien am 19.-24. August 2013

From 19th to 24th August 2013 I participate at a workshop in the gorgeous city Novo Mesto in Slowenia. I´m very proud to be part of such a high profile team of teachers with renown musicians like Adam Nussbaum and Andy Middleton. The fee is quite low and low-priced accomodation is provided. There are lessons, rehearsals, lectures, concerts and sessions the whole day and half of the night.

Adam Nussbaum – drums
J.D. Walter – voc
Frank Wingold – git
Joris Teepe – bass
Tino Derado – piano
Kurt Weiss – tp
Andy Middleton – sax
Simone Zanchini – harmonica/accordion


Here´s a booklet with the details.

And here´s the Website.


This summer I composed a new piece for the EOS Chamber Orchestra plus guitar as soloist and improviser. It is inpired by the music of Hans Werner Henze who unfortunately died recently. „Witterungen“, that´s the title of the tune, was recorded in the end of last october at Deutschlandfunk. Now there will be two performances of the composition in Cologne, in which I will play the guitar part myself.

Sunday, 18 November, 8.00, Kammermusiksaal Hochschule für Musik Cologne
Thursday, 22 November, 8.00, Alte Feuerwache Cologne

more Infos here

Another new CD, release 9 november 2012, ENJA
EFRAT ALONY – A kit für mending thoughts – a trio with Efrat Alony, voice/electronics, Oliver Leicht, clarinets/electronics and me. Wonderful crazy and spacy songs with a lot of electronic fun. From end of november on we are on release tour in Germany, Switzerland and Austria.
More infos, tourdates and soundbites here.


Finally UNDERKARL has a new release!
Homo Ludens, at Rent a Dog. This time exclusively own material composed by Sebastian Gramss, a lot of improvisations, very authentic recording, energy and playfulness, sound and textures.
The press reacts very enthusiastic, many good reviews at KulturSpiegel, Die Welt, Jazzthetic and others, plus already a lot of airplay.

APRIL 2012

Some nice articles over my last Quartet Album `virtues & vices´, click here (german only).

MARCH 2012

Just returned from an almost 3 weeks tour through Central America with UNDERKARL. Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica and Mexico (San Luis Potosi and Mexico-City). A very intense time, great concerts in front of many highly interested and enthusiastic people plus inspiring workshops with local musicians. The highlight was an open-air- concert in Mexico-City in front or 5000 people. Amazing!



My quartet Clairvoyance releases finally the second CD `virtues & vices´ on Double Moon Records.
Again with Niels Klein (sax, cl), Dietmar Fuhr (bass) and Jonas Burgwinkel (drums). After the first CD which is already quite a while ago and many great concerts I´m proud to present the new work with nine brand new tunes of mine.

Soundfiles here
Press review here


AGOG just returned from a one week tour in South Korea and Beijing, China. Here a few impressions of our concert at the very big and stunning Jarasum Festrival near to Seoul, South Korea:


Something completely different for a change: In September a new piece of mine for Chamber Orchestra and electric guitar was performed. In the project ADDITION2 (jazz musicians write for orchestra and interact as solists) the EOS Ensemble conducted by Susanne Blumenthal played next to my piece compositions of Niels Klein, Gabriel Perez and Florian Ross.
The dates:

13.09.11 – Domicil, Dortmund
14.09.11 – Stadtgarten, Köln
17.09.11 – Klangbrücke, Aachen

APRIL 2011


The CD of the german-dutch Quartett `What´s the Tonic?´is released. Johan Plomp plays bass, Miguel Martinez alto sax, Henk Zomer drums and I play acoustic and electric guitar. The compositions of Johan and Miguel are located somewhere between Free Bebop, Ornette Coleman and open, interactive tunes. The CD sounds really fine, very natural and has a nice room, and my Gibson ES-135 has been recorded better than ever (thanks Chris Weeda). We have three release concerts in the Netherlands:

01.04.11 – De Tor, Enschede
02.04.11 – DJS, Dordrecht
03.04.11 – De hete Brei, Zwolle



In november I will be in India again. Not with AGOG this time but with the „Black Dog Guitar Nights“. Four guitarists play solo, a few duos and a in the end one or two guitar quartet pieces. The other guitarists are Dylan Fowler (walisian folk), Dave Goodman (acoustic Blues, Singer-/Songwriter) and Eric Vaarzon Morell (Flamenco). So it´s not mainly a jazz event, a rather unique situation for me, very exciting, I´m looking foreward to do this. We will play in Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore and Hyderabad, so we will have every day domestic flights, press conferences in the afternoon for the sponsors and concerts in the evening. I will report about the tour here.

Read my little travel report and see some pictures here.



A few photos from our concert in Stockwerk in Graz/Austria by Peter Pugar. More photos here:
Click on a picture to view bigger size
Thanks a lot to Peter Purgar.


Three quartet concerts coming up:
20. October 2010 – Munich, Unterfahrt
21. October 2010 – Graz, Stockwerk
22. October 2010 – Reutlingen, Jazzclub in der Mitte

JULY 2010

In the studio with my quartet Clairvoyance, news about the release will be posted here.

JUNE 2010

Agog was on tour in China – Beijing, Guangzhou und Shanghai. We had a couple of great and inspiring concerts in Clubs, concert halls and schools. What a fascinating country, very different from what I expected based on the way our media reports over China. The people are extremly straight, very hospitable and everywhere you can feel this very special sort of enthusiasm of an uprising nation.

On the Agog site you can find photos, a videoclip and a travel report. Click here.

MARCH 2010

For those who understand German, nice reviews of Clairvoyance concerts in Biberach and Osnabrück.


From november 2009 on I will be professor for Jazzguitar at the FH Osnabrück. It´s a very good school with high-profile musicians as teachers, many from the very lively Cologne scene, a contemporary programm and a friendly atmosphere. Players who are interested in auditioning are welcome to contact me for a lesson.
More infomation here.

APRIL 2009

AGOG is touring in India again. We have concerts in Poona, Mumbai, New Delhi and Jaipur. We will report on the AGOG-Site.

MARCH 2009

As a guest of the `MusikFabrik´, a well-known Enseble for Contemporary Music, I will play several pieces by Frank Zappa, among otheres Black Page #1 and #2 and Echidna´s Arf. The concerts will be 12 march at the Konzerthaus Dortmund and 13 march at the Philharmonie Essen.


We had a few very nice and inspiring concerts with agog and the new program of the last CD `Some Frump Punk´in Amsterdam (Bimuis and Conservatory), Tilburg, Utrecht, Baarle-Nassau, Rotterdam and Eindhoven. The next step – the band is growing, that´s a great feeling.
On YouTube there´s a cute little Concertclip from the concert in Einhoven.


Release Concert of the CD `In the Backyards of our Souls´ by Martina Gassmann & Frank Wingold at
Kunsthaus Rhenania, Cologne on the convention photokina at the exhibition of the photographer Bernd Arnold,
26 septenber, 8.30 p.m.


Two new CD´s are released in the late summer 2008: The Duo-CD `In the backyards of our souls´ with singer Martina Gassmann plus guests at several pieces and the new AGOG-CD `Some Frump Punk´. A click on the cover opens the website.








APRIL/MAY 2008 – agog in India

The India-Tour of agog was a big succes. Great and touching experience, lovely audience, beautiful country.
Check some photos here.


April 2008 – `Guitaristix´contents added

Finally I found the time to write something about my teaching experiences and add some worksheets. Just click on `Guitaristix´.

MARCH 2008 – „Siebenschmerzen“ by Christof Thewes in Luxembourg

shraeng (Frank Wingold – Ralph Beerkircher) participates at the FreeJazz Theatre Piece „Siebenschmerzen'“ at the Theatre National Luxembourg. It will be performed at 19, 20 and 21 march in Luxembourg and at 19 and 20 april in Saarbrücken.

JANUARY 2008 – Duo Martina Gassmann – Frank Wingold Website online

The new website of the Duo Martina Gassmann – Frank Wingold is online. Still only in German but you can listen to excerts of the upcoming CD `In the Backyards of our Soul´. Check site…

DEZEMBER 2007 – UNDERKARL CD-Release Tour `Goldberg´

01.12.07 Wiesbaden
02.12.07 Loft – Köln
03.12.07 Loft – Köln
04.12.07 Gent/Belgien
06.12.07 Reutlingen
07.12.07 Schwäbisch-Gmünd
11.12.07 Mannheim
13.12.07 Kassel
15.12.07 Alter Stadtsaal – Speyer

OCTOBER 2007 – Study Jazz at the Musikhochschule Saarbrücken

Since winter semester 07/08 it is possible to study Jazz at the Musikhochschule Saarbrücken, where I´m the guitar teacher. (Bachelor of Music/Jazz and Contemporary Music) Entry examinations take place twice a year shortly before the beginning of each semester. More information here.

SEPTEMBER 2007 – New CD´s

Three new CD´s with my participation are released late summer 2007. Click on the covers to open the sites of the artist/band.

Underkarl – Goldberg (ENJA)


Stefan Scheib Quartett – Cartoon Music (KONNEX)

Niels Klein Tentett – The Last Soup (JAZZHAUSMUSIK)









13 July 2007

Anton Lovis Wingold is born. Mother and child are fine. We are very happy!

DECEMBER 2006 – Concerts

Two interesting concerts in december:
13.12.06 Frank Wingold `Clairvoyance´in Stadtgarten, double concert with Nathalie Loriers Trio, 8.30 p.m.
14.12.06 shraeng (duo with Ralph Beerkircher) plays works of Carola Obermüller and own compositions
Café Journal, Ubierring 18, 8 p.m.

NOVEMBER 2006 – new concerts of the Frank Wingold Quartetts `Clairvoyance´

13.12.06 – Cologne, Stadtgarten
20.01.07 – Essen, , JOE- Festival, Katakomben-Theater, Giradetstr. 2-38
17.03.07 – Düren, KOMM
27.03.07 – Mannheim, Klapsmühl am Rathaus
28.03.07 – Fulda, Café Ideal
28.04.07 – Mainz, M8
03.05.07 – Saarbrücken, TIV
05.05.07 – Villingen/Schwenningen
03.06.07 – Idar-Oberstein, Jazzfestival
10.08.07 – Völklingen, Hüttenjazz
02.11.07 – Bremen, mibnight Jazzfestival


In september 2006 Frank Wingold became guitar teacher at the Conservatory in Groningen (Netherlands).
More information here.

AUGUST 2006 – Concerts Frank Wingold Clairvoyance

05.10.06 – Dortmund, Domicil
06.10.06 – Nürnberg, Jazz-Studio, recorded by BR
07.10.06 – Stuttgart, Merlin
13.12.06 – Cologne, Stadtgarten

MAY 2006 – Concert

At 23rd of May Frank Wingold Clairvoyance plays at ARTheater in Cologne, Ehrenfeldgürtel 127.

MARCH 2006 – many new reviews and features

There are some recent reviews and features about Frank Wingold and the new releas `Clairvoyance´ in some german journals like Jazzthetik, Jazzpodium, Akustik Gitarre, Gitarre & Bass, Stadtrevue. (Click on the journal to see the original).

at 25th of January at LOFT, Wissmannstr. 30, Cologne, 8.30 p.m.
NOVEMBER 2005 – english site released

All pages which were available in German are online in English (except press reviews, I will try to include some translations in the near future). Guitaristix, Equipment and Guestbook will come soon in English and German.


AUGUST 2005 – new website

The promotion of the new CD `Clairvoyance´ has just started, so here´s the brand new website. Some sites are still missing but they will come in the next weeks.


AUGUST 2005 – new CD Frank Wingold `Clairvoyance´

On september 15th 2005 Frank Wingold´s new CD `Clairvoyance´ with Niels Klein (sax, cl), Dietmar Fuhr (b) and Jonas Burgwinkel (dr) will be released. With nine new compositions and a for Wingold rather unusual warm and acoustic sound this CD represents his unique and unorthodox view of the jazz tradition. Click here  for more information and here for sound samples.


MARCH 2004 – new project „agog plays radiohead“

In spring 2005 agog started the new project `agog plays radiohead´ with Jozef Dumoulin (piano & rhodes) and Jasper Blom (saxophone & electronics). The quintet will play pieces and parts of the british band Radiohead. No covers but a lively and very personal approach to the music. In May ’05 they did do a try-out tour with this program through the Netherlands. For details check the agog website.


AUGUST 2004 – neue CD „agog/zapp“

In August 2004 the new agog CD `Meltdown´ in collaboration with the dutch string quartet ZAPP was released. It was be presented at 18th of April at the MusikTriennale Cologne, in may/june agog/zapp tours in the Netherlands.For details check the agog website.


Jasper le Clercq : Oene van Geel : Mark Haanstra : Frank Wingold : Joost Lijbaart : Jeffrey Bruinsma : Emile Visser

JULY 2002
Winner of the
Dutch Jazz Competition
at the North Sea Jazz Festival 2002

We are glad to announce that we finally made it: after the semi-final in the Paradiso/Amsterdam the jury choose us for the winner of the Dutch Jazz Competition 2002.
With that we won a tour of about 20 concerts this fall, studio recordings, international promotion and money which we will use for the next production.
Joost Lijbaart won the prize for the best soloist.
Thanks to everyone who supported us.


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